Chaos World: System Being Replaced

Chaos World: System Being Replaced

Are we living in a Crazy World?
Is the future Safe?
These are the questions we are asking.

So much corruption and mind control being exposed, it makes our head spin. Heavy censorship of truth seekers, healers, light workers. It’s the modern era of book burning.
Spying and tampering of our privacy.
Energies are extreme wild, Schumann frequency is off the chart with long blackout periods.
Volcanoes, wild fires, earthquakes shaking our beloved planet.

5G antennas which are very dangerous are spread everywhere.
Everything is shaken up.
Time is speeding up, pain and aches, pressure in the ears, anxiety, even depression… These are all results of the world going crazy and it’s very easy to get sucked into it.
Things are changing radically: a quantum shift.

Everyone feels it.

It feels like we are being pushed or even forced through a birthing canal where we reborn into the new version of ourselves.
The planet continues her releasing and purging process.

Old system is being replaced.
New system is being built in parallel with the old system.
If the old system was to implode suddenly, it would create so much destruction.

The change is exponentially growing and speeding up.

It feels heavy, unstable, unsafe and dense.


There is such a big positive shift happening and if we don’t see it, is because it’s hidden very clever under world’s drama.

We might think the world is in chaos where in fact the world is changing.

Truth hits every one of us from all angles.
We cannot escape or cheat truth.
It is time.
It might look scary, agree.
That’s why we need to stay grounded.
Tune into Mama Earth’s messages. She has a lot of information for all of us.
Stay positive, stay strong.
Follow your intuition.

We either let go of old paradigms that are not serving us and our environment or we are forced to do it.

We need to learn how to navigate with the elements of chaos to stay sane, as many are losing it.

LOVE is cure
We are ALL beautiful and worthy of LOVE.
Focus on cooperation instead of competing so we can support the greatest good for all.
Be flexible: sometimes what is perceived as destruction and chaos might be translated into new healthy possibilities.

Embrace the “chaos” element in your journey, because without it, there is no lesson.
Order is born out of chaos. 
Step into those moments that make you uncomfortable.
Be brave.  Choose your thoughts carefully.


During transition times we are distracted and pulled off our center.
Stay centered, stay focused and grounded.
Remember to breathe consciously.
Focus on NEW beginnings, ideas. Initiate!
The NEW makes the transition easier.

Watch your diet, time to start eating healthy if that’s not priority (more veggies and fruits).

During the massive transition we need extra detox and water is the main agent for detoxing.
Take breaks during the day to have a glass of good water.

Integration of Soul Fragments

Soul fragments and parts of us that are lost are being found during these chaotic times.  Pay attention to your intuition, it will guide you to find the lost soul fragments.

Then time for reintegration: take all the lessons you have learned from the past and put them together to embrace your healing and grow your wisdom.

Raising Vibrations

Our DNA is restructured in order to function at a higher frequency.  The craziness that’s happening in the world is supposed to happen so we can release, transmute and heal.  This chaos is necessary to destroy old energetic patterns so evolution can take place.

Smile, after all is not that bad.

Inner Smile
When chaotic energies are intensifying, we might be more impulsive than usual.
Some people which consider themselves awakened and centered, can go into anger and anxiety episodes and cannot explain their behavior.
That is because there are hidden stagnant energies that have been suppressed for a long time and need surfacing to be healed.

This is the time to take a moment and look within yourself.
What do you need to transform in your life?
Allow the transformation.

In the midst of chaos and craziness remember the energies that you were gifted with at birth: Peace.
Find your inner smile and use it.


Understand that this transformation brings to the surface a lot of lies, deceit, and darkness. Have patience. We will feel so much better after darkness and corruption are being exposed and purged.

STARS and labyrinths

Star nations are sending light information via STAR symbols and labyrinths.
Many of us might get labyrinth and STAR activations.
The information is about anchoring and centering the energies of the stars to bring balance between human and spirit.
It has been said that labyrinth “reemerges during times of confusion to reorder chaos”.

Call in the power of the labyrinth to create healing and the Power of the Stars for protection.

STAR Orgone Pendant
STAR Orgone Pendant

The Universe is built in such way that it always wins.

Some say it is the end of the world.
It might be for many.
Some are fearful of a World War and the Apocalypse.
It is indeed the end of the world as we know it.
Many are having déjà-vues of the New Beautiful Earth.

Star brothers will never allow for the destruction of our human seed.
They are not allowed to intervene unless the seed of life is in danger.
That’s why they assist and help us to go through this transition but they don’t change the world for us.
We need to fix it for ourselves.
That’s why Conscious Leadership is Necessary.

Conscious Leadership

Elders Must Take Lead.

We are witnessing the world going crazy because of two reasons :
first we didn’t know it, all this was hidden from us.
Second although we discovered the truth, we chose to  turn a blind eye, be complacent and ignore it. Some of us had to work extra time to build the great awakening and expose darkness.
Exposing the darkness is of light.
It is NOW time for everyone to become involved.
Sitting on the fence will not do it.

The ones who have worked hard to raise individual vibrations are NOW the elders, teachers, guides and leaders on this Earth. The spirit of our ancestors is now encouraging the “new elders” to take lead. Elders are not “old people” but are awakened people that have been through a lot of challenges and as a result acquired deep levels of wisdom.
They came out of these challenges not only alive but also empowered and committed to live a life of Truth and inspire others to live their own truth.

Breakdown leads to Breakthrough

Between Chaos and Order there is the period of breaking down.  

Something needs to be broken down in order to make way for NEW to come.
And that can be heavy and challenging.

Many are feeling heavy in the heart chakra, with the soul carrying a lot of burden.

Embrace the struggle, because a breakthrough is coming“.

Even if you don’t believe it, repeat this as a mantra daily until it comes into manifestation.
Learn to dance with the struggle; it only brings what you need in your life. You came into this world with a mission. Don’t fight it.  Accept it.
Peace is born out of chaos.
Trials and tribulations have a divine purpose.

We have to heal the old wounds and let go of fears.

Get out of your own way and let Spirit do the work.
Something good is going to happen.
Good things take time…

Chaos is about “Coming Alive”.

Everything is a Gift

If you dig deep into this perspective you put a STOP to struggle and suffering during this time of chaos.
When everything is taken for granted we forgot about gratitude.

If we are not grateful for small things in life we will never be appreciative for bigger things in life. That’s where depression and suffering sets in. And when we miss to see small things as gifts we miss connection with the Source, God of All That Is.

We are to come together in harmony and with integrity to open our collective heart, heal the karma and unleash our miraculous powers.



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Posted on 02/04/2020 Home 0 2496

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