Chakras and Lymphatic System: Detox for optimal health and longevity

Chakras and Lymphatic System: Detox for optimal health and longevity

Humanity needs a BIG Detox!
You probably know what I am saying.

It is way easier to prevent diseases then work hard to cure the body later.

So many people I know struggle with fatigue.

One of the main causes is a lymphatic system that’s not working properly due to stress, electromagnetic pollution, toxins in food, air, water.

Lymphatic system also known as the ‘sewer system’ of the body is the guardian of our health.

When lymphatic system clogs up we experience fluid retention, fatigue, weight gain, pain, cellulite, brain fog, sinusitis, bloating, stiffness and our immunity is diminished.

The lymph removes toxins continuously from our cells, keeps us safe from viruses and delivers nutrients to our body.

Chakra System and the Lymph
What is the connection?

There is a close connection between the chakra system, glands and lymphatic system.
On the energy level chakra system needs a continuous cleanse and on physical level our lymphatic system needs to be flushed on a regular basis.

Lymph is connected to the water element.
Second (sacral) chakra in the body is also connected with water element.

Imbalance in the sacral (sexual) chakra affects the lymphatic system.
Lymphatic blockages lead to pain and aches in the lower back, hips and legs.

Throat Chakra is also related to the lymphatic system.

A block in the throat chakra might be a suppression of thoughts or expression that can lead to swollen glands in the neck area.

Thymus gland (heart chakra) regulates and controls the lymphatic system.
If we are closing our heart chakra due to suffering, rejection and pain that can lead to clogging up the lymphatic system.

The Lymphatic System has a watery nature, which relates to intuition. The sixth chakra (Third Eye Chakra) is also known to reside in the Lymphatic System.

From the emotional and metaphysical stand point Lymph that is clogged has to do with the inability to receive joy and love, specially from feminine side (women in our life, perhaps mother issues).

Not letting go, holding onto things that are not serving us are also related to the lymphatic system being clogged as lymph moves toxins out of the body.

There is no point in detoxing our physical body if we keep our chakra system blocked or stay in a detrimental state of mind that causes stress.

Chakra Cleanse

3 Lights Technique Meditation is a great spiritual tool to keep our chakras and aura clean.

Orgone Pendants from the Chakra Collection work on strengthening a particular chakra so we can align and balance all chakras.

When we clean the lymph and chakras we feel lighter in the body and mind and we feel better.

Caffeine used in excess upsets the lymphatic system and also dehydrates.

Water we drink has to be clean, free from harmful chemicals otherwise lymph works extra hard to eliminate toxins.

A water fast or a juice fast specially water melon is a great way to flush the lymph.

Good Foods

Raw fruits and veggies carry water. Eat raw fruits on an empty stomach.
Red foods such beetroots keep the lymph flowing.
All citrus are good for cleaning the lymph as well as cucumbers as they are very hydrating.
Other herbs that might help are turmeric, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon and flax seeds.

Avoid GMO’s and pesticides and avoid processed foods.

Exercise and Breathing – so IMPORTANT!
In order for the lymph to function optimally it needs to continuously move. Muscles become toxic and lack oxygen if we don’t move.
Any form of exercise is good.
Deep conscious breathing helps.


Yoga in particular is a great way to keep lymphatic system happy.

There are some postures in yoga that cleanse the lymph.
Inversions pull lymph from lower extremities towards the heart.
Even a simple posture like legs up the wall would do. When I feel sluggish I go upside down.

I love handstands and headstands they are fun and keep me young inside.

Twists are very detoxing postures and stimulate the flow of lymph.

Dry Brushing

Dry skin brushing with a natural bristle brush boosts the lymphatic flow. Use it before you shower and brush towards the heart. It’s a great way to get rid of dead skin.

Gentle Massages stimulate the majority of stagnant lymph.

Affirmations and Meditation

Love your Body and use Affirmations daily.

“I love my body simply because I exist, I love my lymphatic system, immune system, I love my liver. I love my spleen.”

Try this guided meditation, a lot of people who used it found it helpful.
Love yourself because you simply exist Meditation.

Pass this on if you find it helpful.

Many Blessings and Health.


Take a look at the Sacral (2nd) Chakra Orgone Pendant and see if you can feel its energy.

Posted on 02/01/2020 Home, Chakras, Healing, Awakening, Awareness,... 0 2057

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