Feelings and emotions listen to the heart - the seat of the soul, the source of true power within. Heart shaped love orgone pendant is designed to help attract true, kind love, romance and passion, heal "broken heart" and emotional "wounds", balance relationships, increase empathy.
People look for ways to distress from the craziness of this world. They seek peace in the external stimulants where in fact the peace is already a state within.The secret is ultra simple. Peace Manifestation Relax Orgone Pendant is effective for relaxing in ordinary as well as unusually stressful situations, promoting harmony and tranquility.
When an imbalance in the chakras is created, the energy flows less in the chakras or out of the chakras, creating blocks in the chakras. If a chakra is not active and function well, the flow of energy between chakras is affected, causing problems for our body, mind and spirit. Read more about chakras' blockages here.
Dragons - one of the most fascinating and magically powerful of all totems, the guardians of interdimensional gates and very old Beings of Light. In many cultures and tribes the dragon is considered the source of wisdom, divinity and good-fortune
~the point of all beginning, creative life, enthusiasm and JOY ~ keep your Spirit Young ~Aries Orgone Pendant activates the energy of Aries People (March 21st (the Spring Equinox) - April 21st)This Pendant is a great spiritual tool to assist Aries on their Spiritual Path and Divine Mission.
~ sense of beauty, peaceful surroundings, desire for quality, harmony, compassion ~Taurus Orgone Pendant activates the energy of Taurus (April 21 - May 22)The pendant is designed to help Taurus discover their true self and assist them on their life mission. The main quality of Taurus is Harmony. Taurus people are strong, loyal, reliable, trustworthy...
The Spiral Shamanic Healing Empowerment helps improve physical health and mental health first by clearing out debris and imbalances that doesn’t serve mind and body and second by enhancing the energetic system to support improved immune function and health and well being.
Clairvoyance ~ The world of the inner eyeClairvoyance or psychic vision allows one to see beyond the reach of the eyes. Using this elixir, energies are transferred from physical levels to higher vibrational levels to help open the clairvision psychic reception area at will, see aura, connect with Spirit and more
Clairaudience ~ The world of the inner soundPsychic hearing also called Clairaudience is the extrasensory channel that can also be identified with mental telepathy reading someone else's thoughts or mind.